Join our plenaries inspired by the WHO Decade on Healthy Ageing!

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In just a little more than 10 days, we will welcome you to our second edition of the European Week of Active and Healthy Ageing 2021! As published before, this year will have a focus on four separate tracks highlighting different opportunities and challenges for an ageing Europe. Each day will be dedicated to each of the topics, touching upon such issues as driving a platform for innovation and change; adapting health and care systems to the changing needs of an ageing population; promoting Intergenerational Solidarity and, finally, make the socio-economic case for impact investment into healthy ageing.

What do we have in store for you?

Monday: The Healthy Ageing Decade in Europe – Towards a Silver Deal?

Moderator: Klaus Niederländer, Director, AAL Association, Belgium


Esko Aho, Former Prime Minister of Finland, Chairman of the Board at Cinia Oy, Finland

Dubravka Šuica, Vice-President for Democracy and Demography, European Commission, Belgium

About the session:

While the WHO proclaimed the ‘Decade of Healthy Ageing’ in 2020 and the European Commission for the first time appointed a Commissioner for Demographic Change & Democracy, the world was put into turmoil by the Covid-19 pandemic.

This session will include discussion on how older adults require adequate, non-discriminatory services, such as in health & care, without causing financial hardships. Based on the emerging results of the EC’s green paper consultation on ‘the impact of ageing in Europe’, we will discuss the emerging vision for an inclusive and modern Europe and the framework and actions that need to be put in place.

Tuesday : The oldest old: a path between solidarity and healthy ageing ?

Moderator: Peter Allebeck, Chair, JPI More Years, Better Lives, Sweden


Georg Ruppe, Managing Director of the Austrian Interdisciplinary Platform on Ageing (ÖPIA), Austria

Santiago Calvo Ramos, Health Economist, DG for Economic and Financial Affairs (DG ECFIN), Belgium

Kathy McLoughlin, Vice President Research, European Association Working for Carers, Eurocarers, Belgium

About the session :

This plenary session will present the issues regarding the growing group of older persons past the age of 80. Together with our renown speakers we will investigate what is needed to assure their healthy ageing, while maintaining the intergenerational solidarity and what are the social consequences.

Wednesday : Adapting health and care systems to the changing needs of an ageing population

Moderator: Klaus Niederländer, Director AAL Association, Belgium


Victor Haze, Innovation Manager, Health Valley Netherlands
Pia Wiborg, Head of health innovation in Regional Development, Central Denmark Region

About the session:

Following AAL’s work on the role of health & care eco-systems as drivers for transforming European welfare and on the eve of the set-up of a European Partnership on Health & Care Systems Transformation, this plenary session will bring together selected eco-system experts to start providing priorities for a European action plan of integrating active & healthy ageing into our healthcare systems.

Based on regional and national experiences, examples are provided on how to collaborate between different organisations and systems in healthcare for greater system resilience & agility as well as focus on citizen-centered/driven services.

Thursday : The socio-economic case for investments into active & healthy ageing

Moderator: Nicola Filizola, Communication & Public Affairs Manager, AAL Association


Alberto Sanna, Director, Center for Advanced Technology in Health & Wellbeing, San Raffaele Hospital, Italy
Willem Dhooge, Co-General Manager of, Belgium

About the session:

This plenary session will present some of the main applications of AI in health and care with a special attention given to the healthy ageing sub-domain. Together with practitioners from established health and care provider facilities, we will investigate the technologies that will be mainly dominating this field in the next few years as well as look into specific ethical aspects related to the end users.

Artificial intelligence is not one technology, but rather a collection of them. Most of these technologies have immediate relevance to the healthcare field, but the specific processes and tasks they support vary widely. Which is why we will engage our guests in an exchange about the remarkable organizational and human resource related changes required in applying those technologies in a respectful, human way.

Interested in participating? Remember to register for the event here!

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Thank you for attending the EWAHA 2022!

The AAL Programme would like to thank you all, who attended  the European Week of Active and Healthy Ageing 2022 in Gdansk, Poland! Previous Next