Trieste Citizen Accelerator - Healthy & Happy over 65

Digital & Social Transformation Skills for active and healthy living.

Trieste Citizen Accelerator involved the citizenship, in particular young generations and aged generations, for a specific challenge:
addressing the loneliness & isolation problems of the society through Innovative & Tech solutions.

The AAL CITIZEN ACCELERATOR organized by the Upper Adriatic Technology Park, AAL Programme and FVG region networked successfully the citizenship into a cross-fertilized and high-tech atmosphere at the Urban Centre in Trieste. The 2-days event gathered totally 80 people from professional schools, Civil Society Organisations, start-ups, high-tech companies, local and regional authorities and stakeholders of FVG region, Veneto region, Austria and Slovenia. Altogether for the same purpose and challenge: discuss and take concrete measures for being “Active & Healthy over 65”.


1st PLACE AWARD – GROUP no. 9 “REMMI” creates a device-prototype of glasses (as for real myopic or non-myopic people) video-computing technology based, connected with a camera activated by a press-set voices command that recognizes objects and faces; moreover, it asks simple questions to the user affected of dementia. The device is supported by a dashboard that able the customization.

2nd PLACE AWARD – GROUP no. 10 “INTELLIGENT BLIONDY” creates a prototype of a vibro-belt connected with a multi-sensorial system that monitors faults and obstacles, a lights-kit system and an APP that contact family-members if the elder call them by pressing a button. 

3rd PLACE AWARD – GROUP no. 5 “INFINITY CARE” creates a service software that allows a personalized experience for the rehabilitation to the elderly in terms of their daily mental and physical status (happy, sad and bad).

3rd PLACE AWARD – GROUP no. 1 “KLARA” ideates a software that put in contact elderly people directly with many services: caregivers, care providers, companies, social cooperatives through a simple plug in, for managing daily routes and commitments.


“I wanted to congratulate and thank everyone for the organization and management of the Hackathon, there was not a single moment where I did not feel welcomed, listened to or supported by the staff and tutors, given the scale of the event my expectations they were already high, but you still managed to overcome them, surprising me with the availability of materials and tools, with the patience and availability and with the food and drink offered. Really thank you not only for this opportunity, but for all the emotions that this experience made me feel, emotions that, if they are positive, it is thanks to you. I hope in the future to be able to participate in future editions of the event.”                                                                                                           

ITS Volta, Filippo La Terra

An incredible experience, beautiful for the input we received, for what we learned, for the wonderful climate of collaboration in which we worked, for the excellent organization and for the care they had for us. We can’t wait to repeat it.”                                                                                                                                       

ITS Volta, Students